Assistant Professor
McGuinn Hall 522
Telephone: 617-552-0463
Email: kengthsagn.louis@zsdzi1.com
PSYC 2255/AADS 2255 (Health Psychology)
PSYC 5544/AADS 5544 (Psychological Insights from Caribbean and African Epistemologies)
Self, health, culture, intergroup relations, collective action, lay theories, inequality, interventions
Dr. Louis's research applies a socio-cultural-psychological lens to the relationships among health, the self, others, and social contexts to develop novel theories and robust interventions that can help lessen health disparities, improve public health, and promote healthier societies. For example, her work examines: 1) how people's understanding of the self relates to their approach to health across individual and structural levels (e.g., policy support), 2) how these dynamics influence patients' navigation of potentially discriminatory healthcare interactions, and 3) how understanding these processes can help design interventions to disrupt inequities.