Associate Professor of the Practice
Finance Department
Fulton Hall 252
Telephone: 617-552-3474
Email: mcgowan@zsdzi1.com
Alcohol Industry
Marijuana Legalization
Tobacco Industry
Professor McGowan is a nationally recognized expert on legalized gaming, tobacco and alcohol industries. His research focuses on the interaction of the business and public policy processes especially as they relate to the gambling, tobacco, and alcohol industries. An associate professor of the practice of finance at Boston College, Father McGowan has published six books on gambling, the gaming industry, and government regulation of the gaming industry including: Privatize This? Assessing the Opportunities and Costs of Privatization; The Gambling Debate; and government and the Transformation of the Gaming Industry. His new book, Lotteries: The Key to the Rise of the Gambling Industry (Lexington Books) is expected to be released later this year while another book, Ethics, Public Policy and the “Sin” Industries(Routledge) is expected to be published next year. Fr. McGowan has done extensive research on the privatization process as well articles on the legalization of marijuana. Professor McGowan has also published over 60 refereed articles in various academic journals and made more than 90 academic and professional presentations. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts' Compulsive Gambling Council, National Center for Responsible Gambling and is a consultant to numerous lottery and gaming commissions. Fr. McGowan has also served as a Research Associate at Harvard Medical, Division on Addictions.