Disability Services
The Disability Services Office empowers students with medical, physical, psychological, and temporary disabilities to achieve their educational, career, and personal goals.
Connors Family Learning Center
The mission of the Connors Family Learning Center is to enhance the quality of learning at Boston College by offering services to students with ADHD, learning disabilities, and tutoring or skills workshops to all BC students.
All students can find a variety of academic supports at Boston College
Admission Information
Students may apply to the traditional, day school which offers full-time degree programs with classes mostly in-person and during the day, or to the Woods College of Advancing Studies, which is geared towards non-traditional, adult, and part-time students, offering both in-person and online courses, flexible schedules, and a wide array of transfer credit opportunities.
Undergraduate Admission Information
Graduate Admission Information
Veterans and individuals considering a career in the armed forces are encouraged to apply to Boston College. We value the perspective gained through military experience and its benefits our community.
Here are just a few of the annual events hosted by our organizations:
Fall Semester
- Student Affairs Networking Reception for Veterans
- Home Football Tailgates
- Welles Crowther 5K
- BC Veteran Alumni History Presentation
- Veterans Day Mass and Remembrance Ceremony
- Military Appreciation Home Football Game & Tailgate
- Wreaths Across America at Bourne National Cemetery
Spring Semester
- Veterans & Alumni Networking Event
- BC Men’s Baseball Military Appreciation Game
- ROTC Commissioning
The Boston College community hosts numerous programs and events each year in support and recognition of the military-connected community.
“BC Battle Buddies: Creating a Military-Inclusive Environment”
A term used frequently in the military, a “Battle Buddy” is someone who is there to help their partner both on and off the battlefield. BC Battle Buddies is meant to give participants a baseline understanding of how to engage with the military-connected community, and maximize the capacity of Boston College to cultivate a military-inclusive community. The program covers military culture, examines stereotypes and challenges faced by this community, reviews current data and trends, and finally offers practical steps and actions individuals can take to create a more military-inclusive environment on campus.
To inquire more about the program, or to schedule the program for your department, office, or organization, please contact michael.lorenz@zsdzi1.com.
A term used frequently in the military, a “Battle Buddy” is someone who is there to help their partner both on and off the battlefield.
Are you or an affiliated member of the BC Community deploying? If so please complete this short form and we will work to send them a care package. Our hope is to take care of every member of our community and ensure they are not forgotten while they sacrifice their time and safety in service of their country.
Help us take care of every deployed member of our community.
The Boston College Career Center has special services for military veterans. You can connect via the Eagle Exchange system or the Big Interview platform to special veteran groups for help with interviewing and translating your experiences to the civilian sector
The Career Center can help you translate your military skills into a resume for the civilian workplace.
The Collegiate Warrior Athlete Initiative (CWAI) aims to improve the fitness of post 9/11 veterans through working out with current or former student athletes at Boston College. Veterans and athletes can relate to one another on the shared experience of a demanding daily schedule, as well as expectations to remain in ideal physical fitness condition and maintain overall peak wellness. The program pairs approximately 8 veterans with 8 current or former student athletes twice/week for 90 min. at the Margot Connell Recreation Center on campus. After the workout participants head to the classroom to interact with one another, socialize, and have invited guest speakers engage with the group.
To learn more, please contact Mike Lorenz in Veteran Programs & Services, michael.lorenz@zsdzi1.com.
Explore this unique program started at BC by School of Nursing Professor Ann Burgess.
Self-Identify as a Veteran
If you have not self-identified with HR about your veteran status, please consider doing so. The more veterans that we know about, the more we can make a push for services and address your needs at the institution. To self-identify, either go to the Self-Service area within PeopleSoft HR to update your veteran status electronically or complete this form and email it to diversity@zsdzi1.com.
Invitation to Self-Identify for Veterans
Affinity Group
The Boston College Veterans Affinity Group raises awareness of veterans' issues across campus and advocates for improved resources and services for Boston College students and staff who have served their country.
Review opportunities for faculty and staff who identify as veterans.
Boston College acts as a liaison with the Veterans Administration for students who may qualify to receive veterans' education benefits. Eligible students should apply through the United States Department of Veterans Affairs in order to obtain a Certificate of Eligibility. Applications can be completed online at www.gibill.va.gov or by calling the Department of Veterans Affairs at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551).
Once the Certificate of Eligibility has been received, the student should contact Linda Malenfant, the VA Certifying Official in the Office of Student Services. The Certifying Official will then certify the student's enrollment information to the Regional Processing Office (RPO). The RPO will process payment of benefits directly to the student.
Yellow Ribbon Program
The Yellow Ribbon Program is a provision of the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008.
Visit BC Student Services to Learn more
To submit a complaint regarding your Boston College VA Benefits or experiences please contact bcveterans@zsdzi1.com.
Explore resources to help veterans pay for college.
Family Military Leave
Before taking leave, consult with your supervisor, Human Resources, and/or Michael Lorenz in Veteran Programs & Services about your leave, impacts of pay while on leave and when you return, and other pertinent information.
Review BC Family Military Leave Policy
Student Military Leave Policy
Boston College supports the participation of our students in all branches of the United States Military, both active duty and reserve, and recognizes that military obligations for such students may occasionally conflict with academic responsibilities.
Review BC Student Military Leave Policy
Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018
The university will adhere to the requirements of Section 3679 of Title 38 of the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 (referred to below as the "Veterans Benefits and Transition Act").
Boston College supports the participation of our students in the U. S. Military, both active duty and reserve, and recognizes that military obligations may occasionally conflict with academic responsibilities.
University Counseling Services offers students personal counseling and psychotherapy, as well as programs and activities that reinforce Boston College’s focus on educating the whole person. Full-time students enrolled in degree programs are eligible for the full range of counseling services. Part-time or non-matriculating students are eligible for consultation, evaluation, and referral when appropriate.
Boston College offers counseling to support students' mental health.
Boston College recognizes the contributions of military families to our community. Whether you are a spouse, dependent, or close ally, we recognize that our active duty and veteran community would not be here without your support. We welcome all military-connected individuals and families to all of our events. Please never hesitate to reach out for support, or to get involved.
Boston College recognizes the contributions of military families to our community.
Student Veterans Association
The organization’s purpose shall be veterans’ advancement by unifying the current Boston College Student Veteran community and advocating for veterans issues; through sharing, developing, and retaining knowledge of veteran-related matters and building a strong network of support and engagement within Boston College and surrounding communities.
Contact: studentveteran@zsdzi1.com
BC Law School Veterans Association
The BC Law School Veterans Association provides a social and professional network of former, current, and future military service members within the BC Law community. The forum allows BC Law students to discuss their interests in military legal careers with current and former service members as well as topics regarding civil-military relations in government and society. The association also supports homeless, indigent, or otherwise under-served veteran communities through fundraising,and volunteering with local outreach programs and legal service providers.
The Boston College Eagles for Military
The purpose of this club is to show support and raise awareness for veterans and current active duty military members. Our main philanthropic purpose and goal is to raise awareness for PTSD and fund research in this area. This will be done by conducting events on campus to inform the student body about PTSD and the struggles veterans face when trying to integrate back into society. The club will also plan to send letters/care packages to active duty personnel for all major holidays.
Explore various groups at Boston College for military-connected individuals.
Boston College Veteran Student Orientation
Watch a short 15-minute orientation video, offering insight into resources, programs, and opportunities to help you succeed and get connected at Boston College.
Welcome to all new Boston College veteran students!
The Army ROTC at Boston College is part of the Liberty Battalion based out of Northeastern University. Army ROTC focuses on developing leadership and management skills, with the goal of commissioning graduated college students as Second Lieutenants into the United States Army, Reserve, or National Guard. Students participate in ROTC part-time while attending college full-time. Most training and coursework takes place on the Boston College campus. Any BC student can join and participate in the ROTC basic course as a non-scholarship Cadet without military obligation during their freshman and sophomore years.
Boston College offers ROTC programs for the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, and U.S. Navy. All programs are held in cooperation with other area colleges.
Living in Boston
Boston is a beautiful, historic, and active city home to approximately 700,000 residents. The City is a popular destination for veterans, offering discounts and patriotic celebrations (Patriots Day, 4th of July Celebration, the USS Constitution, etc.). The Greater Boston area is also home to several military bases including Hanscom Air Force Base, Fort Devens, USCG bases, Joint Base Cape Cod (Otis), and several others within driving distance.
Boston is a college town with various living arrangement options. Off-Campus Student Living, located in Maloney 413, can help you find apartment listings, connect with potential roommates, locate family-friendly neighborhoods, and provide additional resources as needed, including guidance related to tenant-landlord concerns.
Explore the many opportunities for students on campus and around Boston.
Explore the many opportunities for spouses and families to connect on campus and find things to do around Boston.
The wall was dedicated in 2009 by BC Alumni, and is engraved with the names of our Boston College community members and alumni who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Every year on November 11, the University holds a memorial mass followed by a ceremony where the names of each member on the wall is read aloud.
The Veterans Memorial Wall is located in between Bapst Library and Commonwealth Avenue, alongside Linden Lane.